800-278-9626 | M-Th 7AM - 3:30PM PST

Who are Ainsley’s Angels?

Ainsley’s Angels was started by Kim “Rooster” Rossiter for his daughter Ainsley. Ainsley was diagnosed with Infantile Neuroaxonal Dystrophy just before turning four years of age. This is an extremely rare terminal illness that slowly causes global paralysis.

When Ainsley went for her first jog during a local road race in 2008, she gave a radiant, wind-induced smile that anyone would envy. In an instant, running provided the family with a therapeutic means to fight the devastation associated with learning and trying to live with the fact that sweet Ainsley had a terminal illness. That illness would eventually take her to heaven in February of 2016.

Ainsley’s Angels is at work in hundreds of communities across the nation. Want to be a part of their family and become an ambassador in your area? Visit their website to find out more information! We are so happy to be partnered with Ainsley’s Angels and we would love for you to check out the amazing work that they are doing!

Educate, advocate and celebrate inclusive communities while connecting everyone through empowerment and belonging.

Creating a space where all are included by hosting inclusive races all over the country.

Ainsley’s Angels’ Mission

Ainsley’s Angels has nearly 70 locations across over 30 states in the USA. With every new location, they are transforming populations in communities all over the US. Visit their website to see a detailed list of their locations and how you can become an ambassador in your area!

Ainsley’s Angels Locations

Want to learn more about Ainsley’s Angels?

Click the button below to learn how you can support them and find a chapter in your area!