800-278-9626 | M-Th 7AM - 3:30PM PST

Who is Fueled by faith?
When Jeffrey was 2 years old he survived a cardiac arrest and 20 minute resuscitative effort which left him with severe and permanent disabilities, but he was given a second chance at life—a miracle and a gift that we are grateful for each and every day. He has spent every moment since then teaching us and everyone around him to not take anything for granted, and to never, EVER put limits on your dreams.
Who is Fueled by Faith?
His dream to compete in Ironman WI was born 8 long years ago when he was just 10 years old (you have to be 18 to compete in this event.) He has never given up on it, never wavered in his desire, and never turned down an opportunity to train for it. On September 8th, 2024, Jeffrey and Jordan completed their very first IRONMAN!!!!! We are so proud of our team and cannot wait to see what else they accomplish. This year, they will be competing in the Boston Marathon!
Want to learn more about Fueled by Faith?
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