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Who is Team Hoyt?
In the spring of 1977, Rick (a spastic quadriplegic with cerebral palsy) told his father, Dick, that he wanted to compete in a 5-mile running road race to help raise money for a high school lacrosse player who had been paralyzed in a recent accident.
Dick, a non-runner at that time, pushed Rick for the full 5 miles. They finished next to last, but not last. Later that night, Rick typed “Dad, when I’m running, it feels like I’m not handicapped.” And that is when it all started.
From there, Rick and Dick completed over 1,000 races together, including marathons, duathlons and triathlons (6 of them being Ironman competitions). Also adding to their list of achievements, Dick and Rick biked and ran across the U.S. in 1992, completing a full 3,735 miles in 45 days.
They have inspired thousands of others to follow in their footsteps. Now, there are Team Hoyt chapters all over the United States and Canada.
team hoyt’s mission
The Hoyt Foundation aspires to build the individual character, self-confidence and self-esteem of America’s young people with disabilities through inclusion in all facets of daily life; including in family and community activities, especially sports, at home, in schools, and in the workplace.
Want to learn more about Team Hoyt?
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