800-278-9626 | M-Th 7AM - 3:30PM PST

We specialize in creating custom adaptations to overcome any obstacle and fit any unique situation.

If you’re looking for custom features added on to one of our existing products, fill out our form! We’ll help you find exactly the fit you need.

custom features

Measurement Chart

Use this form to determine the perfect fit for your chair.

evaluation form

Use this form to determine any modifications you need as well as additional requests.


"10 years ago we met an amazing lady Teri at a race in LA! We became instant family and Charlie charmed her with his laugh and smile. Because of Teri, Greg and Adaptive Star Mobility we have the equipment needed to promote inclusion safely in the Coastal Bend! Charlie's first custom chair was the Hawks Nest as she thought maybe she and Rusty could get him to change his mind!! Well long story short as hard as it was for Teri and Greg to give in and customize a CheeseHead Charlie chair as a surprise they did not disappoint! Teri Charlie is so blessed to have you and Greg always in his corner! You had me a little nervous but I always knew you love your Charlie and would always make sure he has a pimped out ride!"

Michelle and Charlie