A Stroller Perfect for Ellie Kate

To our Adaptive Star Family,

We are so thankful for you and for our new stroller! Our Adaptive Star experience has exceeded our expectations in so many ways. We are so happy with our product and we are telling everyone we know about it!

It took us a while to find what we needed for our daughter, Ellie Kate. I have to say, we were picky – looking for something that was as convenient and easy as a stroller, something that wouldn’t draw attention to our little girl. We needed something with a sun-shade since Ellie is sensitive to light and heat. Also on the list was a large basket for a suction machine and for her feeding pump. We needed something that was easy to navigate and easy to fold and lift.

While there are many quality equipment products out there, I couldn’t find anything that met what I was looking for and what we really needed . . . until we found out about Adaptive Star!

I was impressed with your company from the very beginning, when I initially emailed an inquiry. I didn’t receive a generic response – I received a personal reply from Teri Durin. Teri got back to me in such a timely manner and was eager to help! I didn’t feel just like a customer; I felt like a friend.

Adaptive Star is true to its name – you adapted the product to our daughter’s specific needs. You made a stroller just for Ellie Kate – fit to her measurements and needs. You made it what we needed it to be, and I have never experienced anything like that with any other equipment company! I cannot thank Teri and Greg enough for all that they have done for our family with our stroller. It truly is a gift – meeting every criteria that we had set and going above and beyond our expectations.

Thank you, Adaptive Star, for being so personal and for meeting the needs of so many with your amazing products!

The McLaughlin Family, Oklahoma

Michael, Ryan, Conner, Ellie Kate, and Henry

www.carepages.com “Ellie Kate”


How to Tri: Ainsley’s Angels


Adaptive Star Meets Rylee’s needs