Boston Marathon Dreams Come True

Where do you begin when it comes to setting the standard for racing chairs? Since day 1 Teri and the Adaptive Star Staff has been a staple in the success for many teams across the United States and all over the world when it comes to competition. Over the last 2 years Matt Brown and I have competed in 4 Marathons and over 25 athletic events. Matt was injured when he was 15 years old during a varsity hockey game while he was attending Norwood High School in Norwood, MA. Over the last 2 years he has regained the feeling of being an athlete again. With many prayers answered the 2014 Boston Marathon was a complete success on many levels. As a team effort across the board it was Adaptive Star who contributed to building the best racing chair this side of the world. With many thanks to Teri and the Adaptive Star Staff keep up the good work and continue being the best at what you do. The success of those wanting to be athletes again are a dream come true!

God Bless and Rangers Lead The Way!
Lucas Carr & Matt Brown


myTeam Triumph Canada Choose Adaptive Star


Adaptive Star and World Vision Bring the Joy of Mobility to Cambodia